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The Best Video Streaming Services of 2017 and online movie and tv streaming

The Best Video Streaming Services of 2017
 Online Movie and TV

the best Video Streaming Service Is for You?
Streaming services started as an add-on to DVD and digital download offerings with a trickle of second-run movies and TV shows this appa SilverScreen . But speedier internet connections, an abundance of dedicated streaming video devices, and an explosion of mobile video has allowed services like Netflix and Amazon to bulk up streaming libraries, invest millions in original content, and give traditional pay TV providers a run for their money.

SilverScreen  standalone Comcast Stream service and Watchable online TV app, Verizon has go90, and AT&T has DirecTV Now. This comes as networks that were once only available with a pay TV subscription—HBO, Showtime, and Starz—introduce only-online alternatives.

Differentiation is the name of the game when it comes to streaming success. Netflix is the leader in original programming, from the addictive and award-winning House of Cards to the binge hit Stranger Things. But Amazon is catching up with shows like Transparent, Man in the High Castle, and Mozart in the Jungle. Both have also saved previously dead broadcast shows, as has Hulu, which picked up The Mindy Project.

Amazon went one step further in taking on Netflix last year by offering Prime Video as a standalone service for $8.99 a month. It's an especially canny move for Amazon because longtime Netflix customers had their $7.99 subscriptions bumped up to $9.99 in 2016.

Smaller and sometimes cheaper options abound. Crackle, for example, is still a reliable spot to find a movie or TV show to watch, particularly since content is refreshed weekly. Mubi also has an avid fan base of film buffs who are disappointed by the selection on rival services. There are also niche options, like these anime-streaming sites.

But if you want to cut the cord, these are the most popular services.  
The Best Video Streaming Services of 2017 and online movie and tv streaming The Best Video Streaming Services of 2017 and online movie and tv streaming Reviewed by nakib hossain on 9:52 AM Rating: 5

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