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We just spotted this new poster of Psychopaths, the upcoming horror movie starring Ashley Bell, James Landry Hébert, Mark Kassen, Angela Trimbur, Larry Fessenden, Jeremy Gardner, and Sam Zimmerman:
Psychopaths New Poster
Evil. Just because.
Plot synopsis:
“The soul of a recently executed serial killer returns to Earth again and possesses his followers one night when the moon is full. A feverish, psychedelic dream, half neo-noir half slasher.”
You really don’t want to meet that freak!
Here’s the movie trailer of Psychopaths if you haven’t seen it yet:
The film is written and directed by Mickey Keating.
Release date: January 2, 2018 (On Demand and Digital).

PSYCHOPATHS PSYCHOPATHS Reviewed by nakib hossain on 7:20 AM Rating: 5

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